Compact Python library for math statistics

Andrew Dalke adalke at
Sun Apr 11 18:55:02 EDT 2004

<beliavsky at>
> My original code, the code with range replaced by xrange, and the code
> with the further replacement of "float(i)" with "i" take 22.0, 20.5,
> and 14.4 seconds. So it looks like removing unnecessary casts can save
> substantial time. Thanks.

The following should be even faster

def sum_sqrt(n):
  sum = 0.0
  for i in xrange(1, n):
    sum = sum + i ** 0.5
  return sum

print sum_sqrt(10000000 + 1)

Local variables have a fast lookup while module variables (that is,
ones outside a function) have to look up the variable in the
module dictionary.

Your code (in module scope) takes 24.5 seconds on my box
while my function version takes 17.5 seconds.

                    dalke at

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