asp script engine registrition

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Thu Apr 29 01:08:42 EDT 2004

jianchiwei wrote:
> question:
> I run 
> c:\python23\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\client\
> and it told me
> Registered: Python
> Registration of Python ActiveX Scripting Engine complete.
> But, when I run a asp script
> <%@LANGUAGE=Python%>
> <HTML>
> <head></head>
> <body>
> <h1>Python - Test</h1>
> </body>
> </html>
> I still get
>     HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
> caused by the first line of code "<%@LANGUAGE=Python%>".
> It seems to me that python script engine is not correctly registered.
> Could someone help me on this please?

Do the sample .asp files work?  If so, then you should be able to work 
out what is wrong by comparing them.  If not, try registering the engine 
with "--debug" on the command-line, then use Pythonwin's "Tools->Remote 
Trace Collector" - hopefully you will see a traceback with the specific 


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