.net interoperability

mic as at ore.com
Wed Apr 21 06:25:00 EDT 2004

I'm trying to expose some of my code to the "outer world" components,
specifically applications written in .NET (Visual Studio) technology. But as
far as it is I could not find the proper way to go:

- at first I thought about SOAP and webservices, but available solutions
(Twisted Matrix, ZSI, SOAPpy) seem to be well... immature. For example I was
not able to generate WSDL file, so I cannot expose information about the
services I have. This is required by Visual Studio and generally I think
it's a good practice.

- then I decided to make my own COM server but unfortunatelly I'm not able
to make type library for it. So again - no success.Of course I could try to
make it by hand, but that should be done more or less automatically.

How to interoperate then?


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