OT: Re: from clipper move to python

Graham Fawcett fawcett at teksavvy.com
Tue Sep 16 19:43:47 EDT 2003

Ken Roberts wrote:

>ads <ads at chead.org> wrote in message news:<mailman.1063605800.2328.python-list at python.org>...
>>Hi Everyone,
>>I'm starting learning python about 2 weeks, and still have
>>difficulties to create GUI based application because I never learn
>>about classes and other OOP things. Does anyone knows how to
>>create text console application like clipper using python.
>For those who ask - clipper is a programming language that is a
>compiled version of dBase relational database scripting language.

I'm not old enough to have stories about how I hacked on a shiny new 
PDP-10 or any such thing. But seeing Clipper on c.l.py brings back 
memories; my first real programming job was writing a database app in 
Clipper. How blazingly fast it was, compared with the earlier dBase III 
version of the app! Clipper was the One True Way to write data-driven 
apps. Or so I thought: I was a green kid back then, and hadn't even 
heard of SQL...

Those console-based data-entry applications were infinitely more 
efficient for a good typist than anything that involves (or even allows) 
a mouse.

rhapsodically yours,

-- Graham

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