Pass-by-reference : Could a C#-like approach work in Python?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Thu Sep 11 16:44:28 EDT 2003

"Stephen Horne" <$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$> wrote
in message news:66t0mv410it5ftvjokfpkov0v029trv6lp at

> Actually I'm sick to death of the old 'your just trying to turn
> into X' argument whenever I suggest that *maybe* Python might learn
> trick from another language. [etc]

This seems to be a predictible response to proposals.  I got
similar accusations several years ago, which made me similarly sick,
when I proposed the addition of list.pop() (which Guido did, in more
generalized form, about a year later).

My main objection was/is that expressed by Michael Chermside today:
this would complexify a simplicity that I consider a good feature of
Python.  Reading Bengt Richter's lastest response, also today, I
realize that 'ref x' would have to have much the same effect of Lisp's
FEXPR defun keyword -- of automatically quoting rather than evaluating
args -- although on just one rather than all.  Perhaps you should be
accused of 'trying to Lispify Python' -- or perhaps not ;-).

Terry J. Reedy

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