64-bit EPIC and some modules

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Wed Sep 24 12:28:25 EDT 2003

Christos "TZOTZIOY" Georgiou <tzot at sil-tec.gr> writes:

> I got my hands on a Itanium2 machine[1], and gcc builds 64-bit
> executables by default. (sys.maxint = 9223372036854775807).  _tkinter,
> audioop and imageop didn't compile at first, and I believe it's a
> problem of configure.
> I changed Modules/Setup and removed the hashes from the relevant
> modules, and a recompilation worked fine; so did running
> test.test_audioop and test.test_imageop.
> Things went well for the _tkinter extension too, after editing
> Modules/Setup, with the pre-installed 8.3 versions of tcl and tk.
> The problem is that I am at a loss with the configure mechanism, and I
> can't figure why audioop, imageop and _tkinter were not configured in
> from the beginning (it's a linux system, after all; libraries and
> includes are in the standard places, ie /usr/lib and /usr/include).  I
> am ATM browsing old posts in Google groups searching for pieces of a
> 'python-configure-how-to', but any hints would be appreciated.

I may be wrong, but I thought that audioop and imageop only work in a
32 bit environment.


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