Making python C-API thread safe (try 2)

Aahz aahz at
Mon Sep 15 01:36:50 EDT 2003

In article <pdb9mv42covtudsfnfj02lakbniufabt6t at>,
Gary Feldman  <gafStopSpamData at> wrote:
>The main benefit of threads is performance.  Sharing data among
>the threads is often faster than sharing data among processes (you
>don't need to deal with shm_get, etc. for sharing memory on UNIX
>systems).  Locking the shared data is likewise often faster.  Finally,
>my understanding of the MS Windows world is that threads as a general
>rule are more efficient than processes.

The main disadvantage of free-threading lies with external libraries
that are not thread-safe (not even talking about thread-hot).  It's
*much* easier to work with external libraries that are explicitly
designed to work with Python's threading system.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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