Open Source leader? (was Re: Celebrity advice)

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at
Thu Sep 4 20:30:16 EDT 2003

Quoting Bengt Richter (bokr at
> On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 15:27:57 -0700, Geoff Gerrietts <geoff at> wrote:
> >I think the sentiment is just a variant on the "politicians always
> >lie" theme. Open source is socio-political, and so it's the
> >charismatics that succeed. "Asshole" is one manifestation of a strong
> >personality.
> I don't believe that. IMO the most obnoxious manifestations of "asshole"-ness
> are due to *weak* personalities using powerful positions to over-compensate ;-/

I think maybe "strong" is being misinterpreted here. A strong
personality is not a strong person is not a well-adjusted person, just
as a strong drink is not a strong meal is not a healthy meal.

> An assertive maverick is not necessarily an "asshole" in my book,
> though those threatened by such a personality will often be quick
> with that label. (Note that assertiveness != bullying. Bullying is a
> hallmark behavior of "asshole"-hood).

I think some of your distinction is finely drawn on a moving surface:
what is merely assertive to a thick-skulled, thick-skinned person may
seem bullying to an astute, sensitive person.

Generally, though, the self-proclaimed asshole is a guy who might fit
into the "assertive maverick" category, but when confronted by those
who are quick with the asshole label, embrace the label. It's a way of
coping with criticism, primarily, but it's also a way to dismiss the
"internal monitor of the superego" and say what "needs to be said".

I tried walking that road for a few years, but at the end, I realized
that I was nowhere near as nice as I used to be. I disliked what
"embracing the disease" did to my personality. Maybe that makes me
ineligible to head an open source project....


Geoff Gerrietts             "There is no fate that cannot be 
<geoff at gerrietts net>     surmounted by scorn." --Albert Camus

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