OT: best book in years

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Thu Sep 4 14:36:12 EDT 2003

Patrick Useldinger wrote:
> I am going to stay in hospital for a week or so (nothing serious), and am
> trying to find a book or two to read there. As I have not come across
> anything spectacular recently (except Python in a Nutshell), I would like
> to know what *you* consider to be the best book you have read in the last
> few years, about Python or IT in general.

This sounds like a good opportunity to read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance" (by Robert Pirsig) if you have not already.  It's certainly
about IT, and ties into "The Zen of Python" (by Tim Peters) nicely, too. :-)

(Failing that, or if you've already read it, I'd suggest one of the XP
books, probably the white one as it was first, or the TDD book, and either 
way Kent Beck gets your money. :-)


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