Qt vs Tk; SIP to be documented in v4 (was: Re: safari)

John J. Lee jjl at pobox.com
Fri Sep 12 09:59:27 EDT 2003

Jules Dubois <bogus at invalid.tld> writes:
> application on the class' internal BBS.  After comparing the Tkinter code
> to the Swing code I've read, I signed up for the Python development team
> five minutes later.

I'll trollishly <wink> repeat a previous assertion of mine: I've never
heard anybody claim that any other GUI framework beats Qt in terms of
good design and power (hence usability & code clarity).  Since you're
in an academic environment, licensing isn't an issue for you (assuming
the educational license for Qt3/Win isn't a problem for you -- Qt3/Mac
and Qt3/Unix are both available under the GPL), so I'd certainly go
with Qt in your position.  The only fly in the ointment is that PyQt
doesn't yet work natively on the Mac (but Phil is planning to fix that
"with SIP v4").

BTW, I just looked at Phil's SIP roadmap page


and -- shock, horror -- SIP is actually going to be documented in v4!
We'll believe it when we see it ;-).

(prospective PyQt users should note that SIP is not something you'll
ever use while writing PyQt code, so the lack of documentation isn't
an issue -- SIP is the tool used to wrap Qt for Python)


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