DSU pattern (was Re: Trouble sorting lists (unicode/locale related?))

Duncan Booth duncan at NOSPAMrcp.co.uk
Mon Sep 22 10:09:06 EDT 2003

Alex Martelli <aleax at aleax.it> wrote in
news:DUCbb.100826$hE5.3550910 at news1.tin.it: 

>> So maybe it's about time to change the sort() method to support a
>> second argument
>> list.sort(compare=None, mapping=None)
>> that, if provided, would perform the DSU magic. Or was that already
>> proposed and rejected?
> I have not seen this proposed before, and I'm not very clear on what
> the "compare" and "mapping" arguments are supposed to be in order to
> let you specify any DSU.  Basically it seems you would need two
> callables, "decorate" to be called with each item in the list (to
> return for each item the decorated tuple) and "undecorate" to be
> called with each decorated tuple after the sort (to return the item
> for the result).  How do you turn that into "compare" and "mapping"?
You don't need two callables because the sort function would be doing
the decorating, so it knows also how to undecorate. I think the
suggestion is that the mapping argument returns something that can be

For example, here is a DSU function that does a not-in-place sort and
takes a suitable mapping argument. Changing it to in-place sort is,
of course, trivial. 

>>> def DSU(aList, aMapping):
	newList = [ (aMapping(item), index, item) for (index, item)
		    in enumerate(aList) ]
	return [ item[2] for item in newList ]

>>> print DSU(['Alex Martelli', 'Duncan Booth', 'Peter Otten', 'Jeff Epler'], 
['Alex Martelli', 'Duncan Booth', 'Jeff Epler', 'Peter Otten']
>>> def lastFirst(name):
	names = name.split()
	names = names[-1:] + names[:-1]
	return [name.lower() for name in names]

>>> print DSU(['Alex Martelli', 'Duncan Booth', 'Peter Otten', 'Jeff Epler'], 
['Duncan Booth', 'Jeff Epler', 'Alex Martelli', 'Peter Otten']

Duncan Booth                                            
duncan at rcp.co.uk int month(char
"\6\7\xb\1\x9\xa\2\0\4"];} // Who said my code was obscure? 

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