Try/except vs. if/else

Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Tue Sep 23 11:40:38 EDT 2003

#- In my understanding, using try/except rather than if/else is more 
#- pythonic. However, sometimes it is difficult to use the later.

It's more pythonic to use always the right tool for the problem.

#- For example, I want to search for a sub string in a list composed of 
#- strings. It is considered "possitive" if there is a match, 
#- no matter how 
#- many.
#- my_test = ['something', 'others', 'still others']
#- case 1: try/except
#- hit = 0
#- for i in my_test:
#-     try:
#-        i.index('some')
#-        hit = 1
#-     except ValueError:
#-        pass
#- case 2: if/else
#- hit = 0
#- for i in my_test:
#-     if 'some' in i:
#-        hit = 1

IMHO, better the case 2. One detail, stop the iteration when you have an ok
(code untested):

for i in my_test:
	if 'some in i:
		hit = 1
	hit = 0

.	Facundo

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