
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) tdelaney at
Mon Sep 8 19:02:17 EDT 2003

> From: Skip Montanaro [mailto:skip at]
> Clearly the opportunity for abuse using tiny urls is somewhat 
> higher because
> they are much easier to create, but I've never had a problem. 
>  You judge the
> context and the presumed source of the URL and take your chances.

I really like tiny urls (and successfully argued with IT here that they should not be blocked as they are only a redirector). However, I prefer that people (including myself) include both the original URL (which may wrap) and the tiny url in the post.

That way people can have much greater confidence in the page that they are going to be redirected to. It's not foolproof, but it's better IMO.

Tim Delaney

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