Update to Python 2.3 on Red Hat Linux 9

Martin v. Löwis martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Sep 1 17:22:21 EDT 2003

bokr at oz.net (Bengt Richter) writes:

> How about automating the prerequisites part ? Assuming an individual
> solves the problem for her/his platform, is there a mechanism for
> contributing a script that does all the work [1] (assuming a working
> core installation with standard libs) of making directories and
> gathering 3rd party pieces together from the net and checking
> versions and dates and md5's etc. and building and installing it?

I can't think of an easy solution, given that the prerequisites part
might involve inserting a CD-ROM or DVD into the drive, and/or
downloading stuff. So the first person figuring out an automated way
would also have to contribute that. I doubt anybody is willing to do

> [1b] Is there a budding collection somewhere already? On python.org?

What does "budding" mean? If you are asking whether there is a place
where such information should be collected: Certainly, the Wiki on

> So I am wondering if there could be porting scripts in the future,
> downloadable from python.org

Anything is possible if somebody does the hard work. And trust me:
there is a lot of hard work needed here.


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