[Ann] TTFQuery 0.2.5 (minor update) available

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Sun Sep 14 01:44:09 EDT 2003

TTFQuery has had a few minor bug-fixes over the last week (thanks to 
John Hunter).  You can get the updated version from the homepage:


TTFQuery builds on the FontTools package to allow for searching fonts by 
font name or family, as well as extracting glyph outlines (note: 
FontTools now supports this last natively, but TTFQuery hasn't been 
updated to use that feature yet).  As it directly interacts with font 
files, it does not require that the fonts be installed.  There is also 
some rudimentary logic for locating font files on Win32 and Linux systems.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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