newbie question about dictionnary ?

Alex Martelli aleax at
Fri Sep 5 04:26:48 EDT 2003

Sophie Alléon wrote:

> Hi,
> I do numerical simulation for which I have to process mesh. A mesh is made
> of triangle which are made of points.
> I want from this information to create edges and build triangle from edges
> rather than from points.
> An edge is shared by possibly more than one triangle.
> have a triangle class  (made of 3 edges)
> have an edge   class   (made of 2 points and embeding a triangle list
> (those connected to the edge)

OK, so, say for example (for 2-D meshes):

import operator

class Point(tuple):
        a convenience class Point, basically just a 2-items (x,y) tuple
        with handy constructor, accessors, representation
    __slots__ = ()
    def __new__(cls, x, y):
        # assert operator.isNumberType(x) and operator.isNumberType(y)
        return tuple.__new__(cls, (x,y))
    def getx(self): return self[0]
    def gety(self): return self[1]
    x = property(getx)
    y = property(gety)
    def __repr__(self): return "Point(%r,%r)" % self

class Edge(tuple):
        basically a 2-items tuple of points (NB: sorted, since we do
        NOT deal with DIRECTED edges here!!!) with convenience
        constructor, accessors, representation, + list of triangles
    def __new__(cls, p1, p2):
        pts = [Point(*p1), Point(*p2)]
        return tuple.__new__(cls, pts)
    def __init__(self, p1, p2):
        self.triangles = []
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Edge((%r,%r),(%r,%r))' % (self[0]+self[1])

The Triangle class may of course be made along very similar lines.

A slightly more efficient representation of Edge might use containment
of and delegation to tuple rather than inheriting from it (problem is
that inheriting from tuple impedes using a non-empty __slots__, so in
this code each Edge instance carries around an instance dictionary).

An even more clever approach might be to keep the edge->triangle data
NOT as per-instance data of edges but as a class-level attribute and
use a property for edge.triangles access, but that would violate the
explicit specs you give for the edge class.

> for each triangle construct its edges but I have to check if the edge
> already exists
> for doing this I thought the dictionary was excellent but the key is a
> string while I want it
> to be the 2 points forming the edge ? How to do it ?
> Have you a better idea ?

Strings just don't enter the picture here: edges are perfectly
acceptable keys into dictionaries, since they ARE tuples.

I do think that not having each edge 'embeding a triangle list',
as you put it, is an even better idea.  But, although a bit more
complicated and less efficient, your idea can also work fine.
And, yes, of course you need a dictionary (in fact that is why
it's better to not ALSO have the triangle list IN the edge
instance -- it might as well be in the dictionary anyway... !!!).


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