HTMLParser problems.

Paul Clinch pclinch at
Fri Oct 31 16:50:06 EST 2003

You could patch it with:=

        def handle_starttag(self,tag,attrs):
                if tag == "td":
                        self.in_td = 1
                elif tag == "tr":
                        self.in_tr = 1
        def handle_data(self,data):
                if self.in_td == 1:
                    data = string.lstrip(data)
                    if data != "":

i.e. create the element and then later possible replace it.

BTW True can be used as 1, an empty string is false, strings have
methods and "if self.in_td:" ok, so:-

        def handle_data(self,data):
                if self.in_td:
                    data = data.lstrip()
                    if data:

is equivalent.

Regards, Paul Clinch

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