Windows 2.3.2 install corrupt on

Jimmy Retzlaff jimmy at
Fri Oct 3 21:10:30 EDT 2003

Anthony Baxter wrote:
>Bert Hyman wrote
>>> Under WinXP Pro, my install of the Windows 2.3.2 fails with an I/O
>>> error. I downloaded it three times and got the same errors each
>> Following up to my own post, after downloading from ""
>> using a real FTP client, I got a clean install.
>What did you download it with the first time? The HTTP download and FTP
>download are exactly the same file, so if there's a breakage, it's
>in your client, or else something very strange is going on with the
> machine. Since I've not had piles of screaming email, I'm
>to tend to believe that it's a client issue.

When downloading the source archives over http the content-type is set
to application/x-tar. This causes my MSIE (IE6/XP) to default to saving
the file Python-2.3.2.tgz as Python-2.3.2.tar and to saving
Python-2.3.2.tar.bz2 as Python-2.3.2.tar.tar. Of course this doesn't
often lead to Windows archive utilities doing the right thing if that
default isn't overridden. I haven't seen any problem along these lines
with the Windows binary distribution which I would guess is what was
being used above.


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