A simple Python CGI server?

Dfenestr8 chrisdewinN0SPAM at yahoo.com.au
Fri Oct 31 13:54:55 EST 2003


I'm just a hobbyist and I like mucking around with cgi scripts.

Here's the script I've been using......

>#! /usr/bin/python
>import BaseHTTPServer
>import CGIHTTPServer
>httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',8000),
>				   CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler)

For some reason, I get these weird permission errors sometimes when I use
it ... such as:

"OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied"

Sometimes my scripts produce this error, sometimes they don't. Can anybody
explain this?

Also, can anyone direct me to a script on the web that might do the trick
a little more consistently? 

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