wxPython and macros (was: Why don't people like lisp?

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Sun Oct 26 23:43:34 EST 2003

Tayss wrote:

> ...So I'm kinda
> wondering if they're angry all these threads are shoved in their
> faces.  

I worry, too. I console myself with premises minor and major:

minor: my newsreader shows the subject of a message. :) it also has an 
"ignore thread" menu item. a couple of clicks and an asinine thread 
about whether Scheme is a Lisp does not exist AFAIAC. Or I can save the 
click and Just Not Read(tm) the bullshit.

major: Information Is Deeply Good. Don't ask me why, it just seems to 
reliably turn out that way. Pythonistas are by definition Seekers (sheep 
have the Establishment-Approved Java and C++.) Seekers do not mind 
Information. And even if one resents the threads, I think one would 
concede that folks are /not/ off track yelping about one language or 
another, the conversation has stuck reliably to "life with macros".

I am one of those Lispniks who is always open to new technology but who 
also believes "No macros? No, thanks." If you follow the link in my sig 
you'll find more (and there were a few who said the same but got quoted 
for some other remark).

Python has a lot of other stuff strongly reminiscent of Lisp. Y'all 
should at least get to know the one feature that makes Lispniks most 
ecstatic before dismissing it.

My 2. kenny


Why Lisp?...


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