"Smart" Block Copy & Paste

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Oct 15 21:03:28 EDT 2003

    bboman> If you do this, Emacs (in python-mode) will autoindent for you
    bboman> as you type.  Now when you copy a block, all you have do is
    bboman> press TAB at the beginning of each line and the indentation is
    bboman> corrected.  The indent-region DOES NOT WORK FOR THIS, you have
    bboman> to indent one line at a time (this could be fixed by editing
    bboman> python-model.el).

Have you tried py-shift-region-(left|right) (C-c < and C-c >)?  No extra
keyword insertion is needed.  You can paste a block of code, hit C-x C-x to
select it (perhaps twice to make sure your cursor is at the start of the
block), then one of the above pairs to move the block left or right as


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