Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Pascal Costanza costanza at
Tue Oct 28 18:02:29 EST 2003

John Atwood wrote:

>>* The behavior of redefinition in a statically typed environment
>> is far different from the behavior in a dynamically typed environment.
>> For one thing, generativity of names kicks in, which makes it
>> basically impossible to redefine types and functions without
>> recompiling all uses (and thus restarting your program), in a static
>> environment.
> Yes, and that's a good thing. It prevents the program form getting in an 
> unreachable/inconsistent state,

Oh dear, that argument again.

No, to repeat this for the nth time, that's not _generally_ a good 
thing. It also prevents the program from getting in a certain class of 
states that would still be reachable/consistent. So, in some situations 
it might be a _bad_ thing.


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