MySQLdb integer question

Ansgar Wollnik wiseworld at
Sun Oct 19 15:11:28 EDT 2003

Polerio Babao Jr.II wrote:
>>I use Python with MySQLdb to transfer data from one database to another. 
>>When I SELECT the data from the first table, numbers are provided with 
>>an 'L' at the end to show, they are treated as a Long Integer (see: 
>>Now I want to put that data into the new database but the 'L's are still 
>>there. What can I do?

>>>>c = ('a',200L)
>>>>print int(c[1])

OK, that would work, if I would know what field contains an Integer or 

Could you help to determine weather a value is an Integer or not so I 
can to the needed INSERT INTO syntax?


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