
Duncan Booth duncan at
Mon Oct 20 06:09:44 EDT 2003

David Eppstein <eppstein at> wrote in news:eppstein-
D286CF.08171519102003 at

>> Then, what is the best way to write boolean operations for Python 2.1 so
>> that it will be as 2.3+ ready as possible?
> I've been including the following at the start of some of my code:
> if 'True' not in globals():
>    globals()['True'] = not None
>    globals()['False'] = not True
> My hope is that setting up True and False in this convoluted way will 
> allow it to continue to work in some future version where assignment to 
> builtins is disallowed.

Since True will never be in globals unless you assign it there, you might 
as well just drop the if statement altogether. Also I fail to see what 
benefit you gain from the contorted assignment into the globals dictionary. 
Why not just write:

    True = not None
    False = not True

It has the same effect overall.

If you want to avoid hiding the builtin True and False, then use try..catch 
to detect them.

Duncan Booth                                             duncan at
int month(char *p){return(124864/((p[0]+p[1]-p[2]&0x1f)+1)%12)["\5\x8\3"
"\6\7\xb\1\x9\xa\2\0\4"];} // Who said my code was obscure?

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