
Gerrit Holl gerrit at
Thu Oct 9 15:35:49 EDT 2003

George Young wrote:
> So SystemExit is called by sys.exit.  And one can use:
>    sys.exit('I need arguments!')
> Thus it would seem that sys.exit is higher level, and probably a bit more
> stable and portable.

Ah, yes. I was probably confused with another function, I think with
os._exit. I don't really understand why _exit is in the os module
while exit is in the sys module; I have grown accostumed to raising
SystemExit, but I can de-grow it again I guess ;)


240. If a merchantman run against a ferryboat, and wreck it, the master
of the ship that was wrecked shall seek justice before God; the master of
the merchantman, which wrecked the ferryboat, must compensate the owner
for the boat and all that he ruined.
        -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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