Iterative numerical optimizaiton routines?

Robin Becker robin at
Mon Oct 27 03:28:17 EST 2003

In article <e0dbd886.0310261817.4d3820ea at>, Anthony
Calabria <anthonycalabria at> writes
>Is anyone aware of iterative numerical optimzaiton routines in Java
>and/or Python?  I'm looking for a routine similar to the fmincon in
>Matlab, powell in IDL, solver in Excel.  There appears to be an
>unconstrained optimization routine in the book "A Numerical Library in
>Java for Scientists and Engineers" although I'd prefer a constrained
>routine.  Any comments on the book would be helpful too since I'll
>probably buy it shortly.
There is Aaron Watters LP and netflow optimisation on Python Starship
(user arw I beleieve). There are also a Nelder Mead algorithm and others
in Python SciPy I think. There is a java LP at Washington university
somewhere google for 'cassowary'.
Robin Becker

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