Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Joachim Durchholz joachim.durchholz at
Sun Oct 19 14:01:03 EDT 2003

Oh, you're trolling for an inter-language flame fest...
well, anyway:

> 3. no multimethods (why? Guido did not know Lisp, so he did not know 
>    about them) You now have to suffer from visitor patterns, etc. like
>     lowly Java monkeys.

Multimethods suck.

The longer answer: Multimethods have modularity issues (if whatever 
domain they're dispatching on can be extended by independent developers: 
different developers may extend the dispatch domain of a function in 
different directions, and leave undefined combinations; standard 
dispatch strategies as I've seen in some Lisps just cover up the 
undefined behaviour, with a slightly less than 50% chance of being correct).


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