Confusing on overriding functions

Alfonso Cepeda Caballos norax_esi at
Fri Oct 31 06:48:17 EST 2003


I've created a class on C++ with a virtual function. I've
compiled that class and created on python a derivated class
from that.

class clpy(clc):
  def func1:
with clc the class on c++ and func1 the virtual function on
the clc class.

If I use on python the func1 function it's executed the python
defined function (clpy.func1), and if y use the func1 function
on c++ it's executed the clc.func1 function.

The problem is that I'd like on another function of clc execute
the overloaded function of python. So on clc I use a
this->func1(); but it's executed the clc.func1 function and not
clpy.func1 function.

Is there any way to do that?

Thank you.

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