Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at
Tue Oct 14 11:32:53 EDT 2003

In article <8yno1dvi.fsf at>, prunesquallor at wrote:

> (flet ((add-offset (x) (+ x offset)))
>     (map 'list #'add-offset some-list))

But flet is just lambda in drag. I mean real, named functions, with 
defun. Then the code becomes:

(add-offset the-list)

instead of either of theversions you gave. The implementation details of 
add-offset are elswere, to be consulted only when needed. They don't 
interrupt the flow of the code, or the reader's understanding of what it 
does. If you need that optimization, you can always throw in (declaim 
(inline 'add-offset)) before add-offset's definition(s).

I guess I'm arguing that the low level implementation details should not 
be inlined by the programmer, but by the compiler. To my eye, anonymous 
functions look like programmer inlining.

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