What is up with "=="?

Quentin Crain czrpb at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 16:48:03 EDT 2003

Hello All!

Could someone explain (links are good too!) why:

>>> 1+"1"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsupported operand types for +: 'int' and
>>> 1=="1"

1  Whos __eq__ or __cmp__ is being called: String's or
2  Why IS comparison supported across types?
3  The exception + gives makes it sound like there is
a built-in function + that does not like taking an
'int' and a 'string'. Read this way, the built-in ==
does accept 'int' and 'string'.

Anyway, I have spent a good 10-15 mins googling for
things like 'python subclass int' and have not found
anything useful. (PEP's 252 and 253 did not help me --
perhaps I misread them?)

What am I missing!


-- Quentin Crain

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