exit status from a pipe

Albert Hofkamp hat at se-126.se.wtb.tue.nl
Thu Oct 30 10:41:17 EST 2003

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 12:19:22 +0200, user at domain.invalid <user at domain.invalid> wrote:
> How can I get the exit status from a "popen2" pipe?
> For example, from
>      child_stdout, child_stdin, child_stderr = popen2.popen3(command)
> how can I tell what the exit status it?

Straight from the online manual:

The only way to retrieve the return codes for the child processes is by
using the poll() or wait() methods on the Popen3 and Popen4 classes;
these are only available on Unix. This information is not available when
using the popen2(), popen3(), and popen4() functions, or the equivalent
functions in the os module.

Most if not all of the answers to such question are available in the
(very good) Python documentation.

Unlike popular belief, the .doc format is not an open publically available format.

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