Input statement question

ron radam2 at
Sat Oct 25 18:46:48 EDT 2003

On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 11:16:50 -0400, mwilson at (Mel Wilson)

>In article <1bripv431lfpjdgikhetc2fsbf8e7503ks at>,
>ron <radam2 at> wrote:
>>Is the input() function new?  There doesn't seem to be very many
>>examples of it's use.
>>After a lot of searching I did find both the input() and raw_input()
>>statement definitions.  I don't understand the reasoning behind making
>>input() equivalent to  "eval (raw_imput[prompt])"  the default
>>behavior, and "raw_input([prompt])" input standard strings?
>   It does seem a bit strange.  In a statically typed
>language it seems sensible to have a function that could
>parse input and return an object of the type the program
>demands.  Python being dynamically typed, you can argue,
>means that the object type matches the input, regardless of
>what the program expects.  But that's the strange part.
>   I've never used `input` in a real program.  (It's not new
>.. quite the contrary, AFAIK)
>>It seems to me, input() should get a standard string as the default
>>behavior.   And raw input should get strings + control characters
>>until the specified ending character is received.
>>	variable = input_raw( ['terminate character'] [,'file'] )
>   This is problematic.  In a situation where I'm concerned
>with a variety of terminate characters, I'm also concerned
>with the chance of missing terminate characters.  So if my
>input routine skips a few '%' in search of a '$' that isn't
>there, I'm <expletive deleted>.

Why would that be a problem?  You would just get the whole input
stream.   The only problem I see with this is if you are getting input
from a user and don't tell the user what the new terminating character
is.  Input from a file would terminate naturally at EOF or at a
specified character if someone finds that is useful.   (?)  

>   Python file input seems to be moving in the direction of
>files of records, where the default record is a text line.
>In non-default situations, you'll subclass the `file`
>class to pick out records according to your need.
>        Regards.        Mel.

In the case of files,  a regular file i/o routine would probably be
better in most cases.  And the need for raw text input from a user is
probably only needed in special cases.  

Actually I think the best way to get that sort of entry from a user is
to use a key press input function.   

In the case of people,  I think an input() function designed to work
with people has advantages.  Just like a file io routine designed to
work with files works best there.


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