Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

Joe Marshall jrm at
Tue Oct 14 12:09:17 EDT 2003

Raffael Cavallaro <raffaelcavallaro at> writes:

> In article <8yno1dvi.fsf at>, prunesquallor at wrote:
>> (flet ((add-offset (x) (+ x offset)))
>>     (map 'list #'add-offset some-list))
> But flet is just lambda in drag. I mean real, named functions, with 
> defun. Then the code becomes:
> (add-offset the-list)

I'm assuming that offset is lexically bound somewhere outside
the let expression so that I have to capture it with an in-place
FLET or LAMBDA.  If we had an external add-offset then I'd have
to do something like

   (add-offset offset some-list)

The problem with this is that you've essentially outlawed MAP.

   (map 'list (make-adder offset) some-list)

The problem with this is that MAKE-ADDER is no less a lambda in drag,
and it isn't even local.

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