SSL security authorization?

anandpillai member29923 at
Tue Oct 21 09:29:44 EDT 2003

Ok. I will test this out today from home.

I see that we are talking about a kind of

interactive authentication here, since it looks

like the certificate and key files need to be

supplied as arguments.

If you are requesting a SSL authorized document

from a webserver using a webbrowser all this

happens kind of transparent right?

1. client figures out that the protocol is HTTPS.

   (Most of the time the actual HTTPS url is masked

    by a HTTP one, which forwards the request to

    the secure server.)

2. Client asks for the SSL certificate from the


3. Verifies the certificate.

4. Authorizes it with username/password or

   the key file.

5. Voila, you are in.

   I was wondering if it could be as transparent as this.

   Psuedocode follows.

    pwdmgr = HTTPSPasswordManager()

    pwdmgr.add_password('realm', 'http://lockedurl', 'user', 'pass')

     auth = HTTPSBasicAuthHandler(pwdmgr)

     urllib2.install_opener( auth, ... )


I can figure that the current situation is far from it.

For example,  does your code take care of the scenario

discussed above?

I will test out the urllib code anyway and also read

some documentation on SSL on the web. :-)

Thanks John


"The Python Guy"

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