Best way to use Python to make 2d XY scatter graphs? Will TKinter do it?

John Hunter jdhunter at
Wed Oct 22 08:48:43 EDT 2003

>>>>> "rhmd" == rhmd  <rh4170056 at> writes:

    rhmd> I need to create image files (eg bmp or jpeg) of xy scatter
    rhmd> graphs (i.e., graphs in which markers denote individual
    rhmd> points; the markers need to be small polygons of various
    rhmd> sizes, shapes, colors, shadings, etc. and there are
    rhmd> thousands on them on each graph).  

matplotlib makes x-y scatter plots with circles of arbitrary size and

    from matplotlib.matlab import *
    ... x, y, size, and color are Numeric arrays ...
    scatter(x, y, size, color)

It doesn't (yet) support polygons, but this would be easy to add (I'm
putting it on my TODO list) --  It
has the added benefit of interactive rescaling of axes with GUI
widgets, a postscript output, and more!


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