Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

prunesquallor at prunesquallor at
Sat Oct 25 10:14:36 EDT 2003

Dirk Thierbach <dthierbach at> writes:

> prunesquallor at wrote:
>> Dirk Thierbach <dthierbach at> writes:
>>> Now why does a type system reject a program? Because there's a type
>>> mismatch in some branch if the program.
>> *or* because the type system was unable to prove that there *isn't* a
>> type mismatch in *all* branches.
> I am not sure if I read this correctly, but it seems equivalent to what
> I say.
>   \exists branch. mismatch-in (branch)
> should be the same as
>   \not \forall branch. \not mismatch-in (branch)
> Anyway, I don't understand your point.

Only if you assume binary logic. If there are three values that
can arise --- provable-mismatch, provable-non-mismatch, and undecided
--- then you cannot assume that ~provable-mismatch = provable-non-mismatch.

My point is that type systems can reject valid programs.

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