Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Pascal Costanza costanza at
Mon Oct 27 09:44:15 EST 2003

Matthias Blume wrote:
> Ed Avis <ed at> writes:
>>Pascal Costanza <costanza at> writes:
>>>>Should we then conclude that compile-time syntax checking is not
>>>>worth having?
>>>No. Syntax errors make the program fail, regardless whether this is
>>>checked at compile-time or at runtime.
>>>A type "error" detected at compile-time doesn't imply that the
>>>program will fail.
>>Actually it does, in a statically typed language.
> Nitpick: Neither syntactic nor statically checked type errors make
> programs fail. Instead, their presence simply implies the absence of a
> program.

Yes, the absence of a program that might not fail if it wouldn't have 
been rejected by the static type system.


Pascal Costanza               University of Bonn
mailto:costanza at        Institute of Computer Science III  Römerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn (Germany)

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