database connection pooling from mod_python app

Ian Bicking ianb at
Wed Oct 8 13:12:35 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, at 11:23 AM, Anthony_Barker wrote:
> I have been searching around for database connection pooling for a
> mod_python app.

My understanding is that you don't really need connection pooling in 
mod_python -- you can simply put the connection in a global variable.  
Maybe with something like:

def get_connection():
     global _conn
         return _conn
     except NameError:
         _conn = (make your connection)
         return _conn

I don't know mod_python enough to know if there's other magic 
incantations you need.  You don't need "pooling", because each request 
is served in its own process -- you simply want to reuse the connection 
for future requests.  If there's 10 processes, you'll need 10 separate 
connections, but those 10 processes will over time serve many requests 
so you can use those 10 connections over and over.

So this isn't direct advise -- you'll need to experiment on your own -- 
but I'd suggest you not overthink it.  I think it's simpler than you 

Ian Bicking | ianb at |

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