use make and version control system for every project?

A.M. Kuchling amk at
Sun Oct 12 11:43:45 EDT 2003

On 12 Oct 2003 11:13:26 -0400, 
	Aahz <aahz at> wrote:
> How well does Subversion work without a web server?  The docs seem to
> imply that you need one, but I'd be using it only in local mode.  How
> would you choose between Arch and Subversion?

Subversion can work on local file storage; in that case, all you need is the
'svn' binary.

My capsule summary of Subversion: works OK, though occasionally the database
gets corrupted in a way that requires running a lock cleanup script.  (It
should be emphasized that these corruptions haven't ever resulted in data
loss for me.)  SVN is handicapped by being a complete bear to compile,
especially the server; it's much easier to just run Debian unstable, which
has Subversion, than to struggle with compiling Apache2 + neon + Subversion.  

I've read the Arch tutorial and intend to experiment with it, because it
looks promising, but don't have any actual experience using it. It looks
*much* easier to make a repository publicly available with Arch than with
Subversion. Some of its filename conventions are a bit goofy, but that can
be lived with.


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