alternating the builtin functions

Peter Hansen peter at
Sun Oct 19 14:15:36 EDT 2003

"Carlo v. Dango" wrote:
> sure, but my version relies on the original one, so I need a way to call
> the original isinstance() from within my isinstance()...

So just keep a reference to it.

'''a module that has your isinstance in it:'''

_builtin_isinstance = isinstance

def carlo_isInstance(foo, bar):
    # do some stuff that the original didn't do, then delegate
    # to the original
    return _builtin_isinstance(foo, bar)

# shadow the builtin name with your own, for the rest of this
# module, if you like
isinstance = carlo_isInstance

Or whatever variation works for you...

Actually, I think all Jp is really saying is don't use the name "isinstance"
for your own... then none of this is an issue.  When you want your 
version, you just call it.  The original stays unperturbed.


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