For variables outside loop causes exception

Gordon Williams g_will at
Fri Oct 17 10:20:39 EDT 2003


I have been using this code for a number of weeks without problems.  Now I
am getting an exception after the program has run a short while.  It has
already passed through this function several hundred time before the

The code in the function is (exactly as shown):

    for i, obsData in enumerate(epochData):
        Pcor[i] = obsData[3]
        Xs[i] = obsData[4]

    Asub, Lsub= Solve_all.model_matrix(Xs[:i+1], Pcor[:i+1],Xr)

The exception is:

    Asub, Lsub= Solve_all.model_matrix(Xs[:i+1], Pcor[:i+1],Xr)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment

What is the problem here?  It appears that i has gone out of scope.

Do variables i, obsData get destroyed when you leave the loop?  Is this
noted in the docs?  I didn't find it.

Does this have anything to do with enumeration?

Why has this worked this far without failing?


Gordon Williams

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