Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Joachim Durchholz joachim.durchholz at
Mon Oct 27 16:08:15 EST 2003

Matthew Danish wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 07:00:01PM +0100, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>>Pascal Costanza wrote:
>>>Can you show me an example of a program that does't make sense anymore 
>>>when you strip off the static type information?
>>Here is a very trivial example, in SML:
>>	20 * 30
>>Multiplication, as well as literals, are overloaded. Depending on 
>>whether you type this expression as (8-bit integers) or 
>> (infinite precision integer) the result is either 600 or an 
>>overflow exception.
> May I point out that the correct answer is 600, not overflow?

No, the correct answer isn't 600 in all cases.
If it's infinite-precision arithmetic, the correct answer is indeed 600.
If it's 8-bit arithmetic with overflow, there is no correct answer.
If it's 8-bit arithmetic with wrap-around, the correct answer is 88.
If it's 8-bit arithmetic with saturation, the correct answer is 255.
(The result happens to be independent of whether the arithmetic is 
signed or unsigned.)

Using infinite-precision internally for all calculations isn't always 
practicable, and in some algorithms, this will give you even wrong 
results (e.g. when multiplying or dividing using negative numbers, or 
with saturating arithmetic).

Of course, this doesn't say much about the distinction between static 
and dynamic typing, actually the issues and unlucky fringe cases seem 
very similar to me. (In particular, overloading and type inference don't 
tell us whether the multiplication should be done in 8-bit, 16-bit, 
machine-precision, infinite-precision, wrap-around, or saturated 
arithmetic, and run-time types don't give us any useful answer either.)


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