python2.3 Redhat9 rpm Safe?

Skip Montanaro skip at
Tue Oct 7 11:13:49 EDT 2003

    Neal> Is it safe to install python2.3 rpms on Redhat9?

This was just discussed over the weekend.  If RH9 ships with Python 2.2 I
would just install Python 2.3 from source in /usr/local or ~/local and leave
RH's version of Python alone.  If there is a 2.2.3 RPM (not 2.3.2!), it
should be okay to install it in place of RedHat's offering, but you should
still be prepared to back out 2.2.3 in favor of what RedHat ships.

    Neal> I ask because redhat uses python itself and there have been issues
    Neal> in the past with trying to upgrade python.

I think you just answered your own question. ;-)


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