more secure crypt() function

Marco Herrn herrn at
Sat Oct 4 12:33:57 EDT 2003

I want to use a crypt function to store crypted passwords. These will be
used to verify mail-user access. Now the crypt() function from the
module crypt is only significant for the first 8 characters. But I need
more significant characters.
I found the md5 and sha modules. But they work different from the crypt
module. But it doesn't seem to be compatible. I need the way crypt works
with a salt to verify the password.

So my real question is: What function can be used instead of crypt() to
generate secure crypted passwords that are compatible to the way
crypt() works?

I hope my intention is clear....


Marco Herrn             herrn at
(GnuPG/PGP-signed and crypted mail preferred)
Key ID: 0x94620736

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