Using MVC when the model is dynamic

Cameron Laird claird at
Thu Oct 2 07:57:06 EDT 2003

In article <YkPeb.10891$RW4.8963 at>,
Mitch Chapman  <mitchchapman at> wrote:
>I'm confused by the comments about the model needing to poll for new
>instructions from the view.  (BTW does this mean you usually prefer to
>combine view and controller responsibilities in a single entity, rather
>than implement them separately?)
This *is* an apt question.  Is there something
about wxWindows that pushes one in this direc-
tion, or was it just an abbreviation of the
evident fact that both the View and Controller
connect to the same end-user?
>Why not just have the model provide control methods which clients can
>invoke directly (t. ex. the stop() method in the example I posted)?
>Are you saying this doesn't fit well in wxPython, that it's more
>natural in that environment to communicate via event codes and queues?
>If that's the case, can you define a model-controller class which
>receives view events and translates them into method invocations on
>an associated model?  That does seem like a lot of work, but it
>would let the model remain ignorant of -- loosely coupled to --
>its observers.
My experience in this area is that this sort
of reliance on synthetic events is *not* "a
lot of work".  I've found it quite rewarding.
You're right:  it healthily decouples M from
V from C.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at>

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