Imaging using PIL

mark mark at
Mon Oct 13 19:41:25 EDT 2003

I feel fairly well versed in getting Tkinter to do what I want, but now
I'm venturing into the whole imaging thing, and placing text and
graphics over some static background image.  I'm trying to use PIL, but
what I get from this code is a new window with a gray background, not
the image I'm trying to open.  Here's the code:
class Imaging:
            def __init__(self, parent):
                        working = self.working = Toplevel(parent)
                        type = gui.mediavar.get()
                        print type
                        if type == 15:
                                    print 'Should see small label'
                                    self.labelimage = 'labelsmall.gif'
                        elif type == 25:
                                    print 'Should see large label'
                                    self.labelimage = 'labelbig.gif'
                        self.img = PhotoImage(file =
'C:/ClearView_Printer/' + self.labelimage)
                        self.width = self.img.width()
                        self.height = self.img.height()
                        self.canvas = Canvas(working, width =
self.width, height = self.height, selectborderwidth = 0)
                        self.canvas.pack(side = TOP, fill = BOTH, expand
= 0)
                        self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor = NW,
image = self.img)
I'm currently getting code reference from Python and Tkinter Programming
by John E. Grayson.  Most of the stuff in there is heavy in image
mapping, but there seem to be some core elements I can use, I just don't
seem to be using them correctly.  Any input would be appreciated.
- Mark
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