Is it any good?

Paul Gardella pgardell at
Mon Oct 27 17:07:54 EST 2003

Never used Deitel & Deitel's Python book, but I used their Java book and found it to be great for someone just learning the language for the first time, especially for someone who doesn't have a lot of programming experience.  

There was a similar thread on this list a couple weeks ago, so you might want to check the archives.

By the way, I learned Python from "Core Python Programming", by Wesley Chun, Prentice Hall PTR, 2001.  I thought it was great, though it's getting a bit dated now...only covers through Python 2.0 (now up to 2.3.2).

Paul Gardella

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at]On Behalf Of Tim
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 6:47 PM
To: python-list at
Subject: Is it any good?

Hello list,

I wonder if I could get some feedback from the list on a Python book I'm 
about to order from the net. The book is called "Python How to Program" by 
Deithel & Deithel. Issued on Prentice Hall 2002. I'm not an experienced 
Python programmer and I'm looking for a comprehensive but also an 
"understandable" book. I'm also open for suggestions.

Best regards

Tim Ronning

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