Why don't people like lisp?

David Mertz mertz at gnosis.cx
Sun Oct 19 01:25:30 EDT 2003

Adam Warner <usenet at consulting.net.nz> wrote previously:
|in overlooking your failings to even post correctly indented
|Python-the-language code when arguing against Lisp and its syntax:

Sure... but just imagine how badly matched my parentheses would have
been had I attempted to post Lisp code.

|You may have more numerous libraries and a larger set of groupies but
|you will never have the satisfaction of using a superior language.

Nah...  I think Paul Graham has them lined up around the block, my
groupies only straggle in slowly.  Still, do my callous remarks mean
that I will be blocked from downloading other programming language
distributions?  Or is it just that I am too doltish to ever really enjoy
the satisfaction of CL?

|Please let me know if this response makes me a shining example of a
|"truly vindictive and nasty" Lisp user.

Not so much.  I think my personal posting foibles slightly miss the
point, but the sting in observing them is in good enough humor.

Yours, David...

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