Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

Pascal Bourguignon spam at
Thu Oct 9 18:30:21 EDT 2003

"Andrew Dalke" <adalke at> writes:

> Pascal Costanza:
> > So what's the result of ("one" - "two") then? ;)
> It's undefined on strings -- a type error.  Having + doesn't
> mean that - must exist.

What about:

(defun nl-string-to-number (text)
  ;; Of course, you could program it more intelligently and more efficiently.
  (do* ((i 0                   (1+ i))
        (s (format nil "~r" i) (format nil "~r" i))
      ((or (string-equal s text) (< (* 2 (length text)) (length s)))
       (when (string-equal s text) i)))

(defmacro def-s-op (name num-op)
  `(defun ,name (&rest args)
     (format nil "~r"
             (apply (function ,num-op)
                    (mapcar (function nl-string-to-number) args))))

(def-s-op +s  +)
(def-s-op -s  -)
(def-s-op *s  *)
(def-s-op /s  /)
(def-s-op =s  =)
(def-s-op /=s /=)
(def-s-op <s  <)
(def-s-op <=s <=)
(def-s-op >s  >)
(def-s-op =>s <=)

(-s "one" "two")

==> "minus one"

Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in reality.

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