MySQLdb integer question

Skip Montanaro skip at
Sun Oct 19 17:24:27 EDT 2003

    Ansgar> # sql="INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s"% (db,",".join(myfields),myvalues)

Then don't do it that way. ;-)  Try this instead:

    conn = MySQLdb.Connection(...)
    curs = conn.cursor()
    stmt = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (db, ",".join(myfields),
    curs.execute(stmt, tuple(myvalues))

The assignment to stmt results in another format string with the table name
and field names filled in and the right number of %s placeholders.  You then
pass your values as a tuple to the cursor's execute() function and let
MySQLdb perform the necessary escape trickery on the values.


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